MUCCA is written in
Cincom VisualWorks Smalltalk and is composed of several components.
You can download the source code of the following MUCCA components:
- Miler2, the core of MUCCA, including metamodels, importers, classification engine, etc.;
- MailPeek, our web application for the manual classification of email content;
- PetitIsland, our grammar to generate island parsers;
- PetitJava, the grammar of Java, which we implemented for PetitParser;
- PetitSTrace, our island parser for java stack traces.
Note that, in order to make Miler2 run, you will also need the following external Smalltalk components: Moose, Glorp, Seaside, TwoFlower, MetaDB, PetitParser.
In addition, we make use of the Weka workbench, for the machine learning tasks. You can download the two trained classifiers that compose MUCCA: Naive Bayes based classifier, Decision Tree based classifier.
Alternatively, we created a VirtualBox image with a pre-configured VisualWorks environment, which includes all the MUCCA components, and pre-requisites (both Smalltalk and Java): Download it. (Both user and password are "muccauser").